Stronger Athletes
December 16 ""I can take it... The tougher it gets, the cooler I get... " - Nixon
Partial reps is another technique used to increase the intensity of a
working set. However, we do not advocate using partials reps as an
entire set. The box squat, which is a core lift in the BFS system, is a
partial squat. The problem with this exercise and all partial movements
is that not as much muscle fiber is recruited during the set. Full
range of motion is necessary first in the set and taken to failure will
work the maximum amount of muscle fiber. The athlete should use this
technique to increase intensity only.
After reaching failure in the full range exercise then perform slow partial reps to failure. Performing them slowly will require fewer reps and really increase the intensity of the set increasing its productivity. Athletes should not use this technique very often or it might lead to overtraining which could slow progress.
Please let us hear your thoughts on this topic.
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