Stronger Athletes
April 5 "When one helps another, both gain in strength." -Latin American Proverb
We had several
responses to this week's Mystery Guest but only a handful of
correct answers. Correctly identifying Coach Wetzel were Jim Bryan,
Winter Haven; Fred Cantor, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Strength Coach; and Joe Ross, Tampa, FL.
Steve Wetzel has been working in the NFL for 12 seasons and 2 teams including the Champions of Super Bowl XXVI in 1991. He got his start in the field as a collegiate powerlifter and then as an intern at the University of Maryland. While working with the Terrepins, he worked part-time with the Redskins before getting hired by George Mason University. He was working at George Mason just 3 months before being "called-up" to the Redskins as a full-time assistant.
Currently serving as the head strength coach in the NFC, his staff's #1 goal is injury prevention. He takes some pride in the fact that his team's work-outs do not change from off-season to in-season, with conditioning serving as great a role as strength development.
He enjoys teaching his athletes he works with,
"By training guys one-on-one, there are a lot of teachable moments that come up, a lot of time for interaction as far as finding out about them, answering their questions about their training. A lot of guys have done programs since they were in high school. They do them but they don't know why they do them, so there are a lot of teachable moments that come up when we are training guys, which I really like. They have questions. We always tell them if we don't have the answer then we will go find it. That's what I like about it. Basically we are teachers, just like the football coaches. They teach the position and we teach them how to prepare their body to play the game of football."
Steve's photo and quotes were found at the Minnesota Viking's web site where he recently gave an interview about the Viking training program. Coach Wetzel also spoke at the recent 2002 National Strength & Science Seminar were he discussed in great detail what an NFL athlete does in the weight room.
Understanding how power is developed is very important. There is a difference between expressing power and developing power. [See Expressing vs. Developing Power]. Power is developed through slow controlled movements because because there is constant tension on the working muscles which will enable the athlete to effectively train their fast (type IIb) twitch muscle fiber. This type of training also allows you to overload the muscles which is a necessary component of effective training. We believe overload cannot be achieved in Olympic lifts because after the initial part of the lift momentum takes over and the tension is taken off the muscles. How can this develop power? When the muscle tension is taken off this will make the exercise a very poor way to train the fast (type IIb) twitch muscle fibers. [See Muscle Fiber Recruitment].
In training for power, remember, it is the intent of the athlete to move the weight quickly. For example, during a set of squats to failure at about 10 repetitions the weight will feel progressively heavier with each succeeding rep until the end of the set. It is important that the athlete try to maintain consistent speed throughout the entire set and when he reaches the last rep or two the speed will slow but the athlete will be trying to lift the weight as quickly as possible but the weight is moving slow. That intention to move it quickly develops power and explosiveness. Going all out on the last reps of the set is very explosive.
As far as plyometrics and medecine balls are concerned, we do not believe that these are a necessary part of training. We would rather go out and practice our sport specific skills to become more efficient at them. [See Specificity and Specificity II].
We hope we have answered your questions. Let us know if you have further comments.
Thank you,
Coach Rody
New Coaching Resources
At the 2002 Strength & Science Seminar introduced our new resources for strength coaches and athletes. We now offer a video supplement to our Coach's Manual that explains in detail some of the finer points of the Training Program.
I just got through reading my copy of Stronger Athlete's Coach's Manual. I recommend this manual to any Coach needing help in setting up a Strength Training Format for their team. It's easy to read and the advice works for a Free Weight Program as well as Better known Strength Training Machines such as Pendulum Fitness, Nautilus, MedX, and Hammer. Good solid information without boring you with unnecessary pseudo science. They have a video companion and although I haven't seen it, I would bet it's the same good quality. -Jim Bryan, Strength & Conditioning Coach
Also just released is the Opposing Viewpoints: Traditional vs Non-Olympic Training video. For more information on these products please See Our New Products.
If you have questions or comments about this web site or strength development or training please Contact Stronger Athlete.